Interviews, Profiles and More
The Life She Wrote
Straight White American Jesus
If you want to take the country back for God, if you want to have dominion over every level of society, if you want to ensure a white Christian patriarchy rules over the land–you have to start with the children. Christian school movements are part of the fabric of the Religious Right. In this episode, Brad examines why the Christian schooling movement–including homeschooling–took off in the 60s, how it has shed government oversight, and what effects its having on our public education system and our public square.
Asian America with Ken Fong
R. Scott Okamoto grew up as a fervent Evangelical, oblivious to his ethnicity and culture, ignorant of issues of justice and racial reconciliation. His years serving as a leader in a campus ministry while in college filled in all these gaps, but when he graduated, he no longer fit in his family’s church. While being a faculty member of an evangelical college, he began to deconstruct his faith entirely. He quit just before they were about to fire him.