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R Scott Okamoto
Jul 13, 20174 min read
And in the End...
Day 14- Sunday, July 9 It was our 23rd wedding anniversary. Of course we forgot about it until we boarded our flight that afternoon. We...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 12, 20176 min read
Our last day in Tokyo
Day 13, Saturday, July 8 On our last full day, we were determined to get to the famous Tsukiji Fish Market, said to be the largest fish...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 11, 20177 min read
We leave Kyoto and experience various forms of violence and food.
Day 10 Wed, July 5 I forgot to mention the mixed feelings I had on July 4. I woke that morning to the realization that it was still July...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 10, 20175 min read
A quiet, peaceful day in Kyoto- Ancient buildings, geishas, and food
Day 9- Tuesday, July 4 We made a deliberate choice to bring the kids with us on our dream Japan vacation. My parents were skeptical. ...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 7, 20174 min read
Osaka food and whale sharks to Nara's psycho deer and shrines
Day 7 (technically the 8th day in Japan) Sunday, July 2 Our feet and legs were aching when we woke up. According to our Steps trackers,...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 5, 20175 min read
Hiroshima to Osaka- Let the food heal the soul
Day 5 continued After we finished at the Peace Park, we were all kind of in a daze. Our eyes were puffy, and I was still choking back...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 4, 20176 min read
Japan 5 Day 5 We spent the day traveling almost the length of Japan. While traveling to Koriyama from Tokyo, I noticed we blew through a...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 3, 20177 min read
Northside Adventures- Buffets, foxes, and amazing street markets
Japan 4 Day 3 As Geri entered the women’s side of the baths, a group of old women exclaimed, out loud, “Hakujin!” We know this word. It...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 1, 20174 min read
And Now for Something Completely Japanese
Monday, June 26- 2nd full day Flying through the Japanese countryside at 200mph is a surreal experience. Rice fields inhabit every...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 1, 20175 min read
We Do Tokyo
Japan 2 Naomi drove us to the airport at 6:30 on Friday, June 23. We arrived at Tom Bradley Terminal and immediately hit a snag. Japan...

R Scott Okamoto
Jun 28, 20173 min read
A Son Comes Home?- My thoughts before traveling to Japan for the first time
June 22, 2017 I leave tomorrow morning for Japan. We are taking the kids on a two-week adventure through Tokyo, Fukushima, Sendai,...

R Scott Okamoto
Jun 8, 20174 min read
Thank God for Trump. No, really. It's his fault.
To a lot of rational, sensible people, the rise of the Tea Party, the Alt Right, and the Trump thing baffles the mind. How the hell can...

R Scott Okamoto
Mar 27, 20175 min read
Great Sex Helped Me Lose My Faith
Most Christians are doomed to have horrible sex lives. Obviously, they’re not the only ones, as intimacy is difficult for a lot of...

R Scott Okamoto
Mar 12, 20174 min read
First Fishing Post
I have this recurring dream where I’m walking through some place familiar, my neighborhood, places I’ve worked, a restaurant, and...

R Scott Okamoto
Mar 6, 20176 min read
Parents: A Brief History of Failure-Part Two
Several people told me my “overgeneralized” history of generations didn’t represent their own family experience. It doesn’t even...

R Scott Okamoto
Mar 1, 20174 min read
I Don't Miss God. Really!
I am no longer a Christian. I don’t know exactly what that makes me, but I would guess somewhere along the agnostic spectrum. I will...

R Scott Okamoto
Feb 23, 20175 min read
Parents: A brief history of failure- Part One
Part One How did we get here? Kids today are not allowed to do many of the things we Gen Xer’s did growing up. My brother and I rode our...

R Scott Okamoto
Feb 14, 20174 min read
"Relevance" is relative to our limited perspective, and I hate awards shows
Adele won a bunch of Grammy’s. Beyonce only won 2. Adele fans are happy. Beyonce fans are pissed. People are both praising Adele for...

R Scott Okamoto
Feb 13, 20175 min read
Punching Nazis is ok. And I'm Not Living in a "Bubble."
A strength and weakness of the progressive side is that we are great at policing ourselves. We call each other out for inaccurate or...

R Scott Okamoto
Feb 10, 20174 min read
Sex Talk #1- Who is actually having sex?
According to everything I’ve read, married people don’t have a lot of sex. The classic story describes a couple falling in love who...
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