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R Scott Okamoto
Apr 11, 20216 min read
Epic Day at Hot Creek- And Did Those Old Guys Call the Police on Us?
This past week was the best week of fishing at Hot Creek in my life. I've always heard about the 30-fish days, but the most we've ever...

R Scott Okamoto
Mar 11, 20215 min read
The Road Taken- Sex and Waffles Triumph Over Church
As with many ex evangelicals, my journey out of faith took me on a path down the left-hand side of the religious spectrum. I was raised...

R Scott Okamoto
Jan 19, 20219 min read
The Last Census Post...Forever
After finishing part 3 of the Census ordeal, I was surprised at how stressed I felt as I relived the experience. After I came home from...

R Scott Okamoto
Jan 9, 20215 min read
It Was You, Jesus- It's Time to Let Christianity Go
Originally posted 1/9/2021 We sometimes refer to a moment of reckoning as a “come to Jesus” moment, as if returning to Jesus is akin to...

R Scott Okamoto
Nov 13, 202013 min read
My Census Story- Why I Hate Most of the World- Part 3
I looked up the weather forecast for the next week in Bakersfield. 110 degrees every single day. Fuck it. I was in. Work was pretty much...

R Scott Okamoto
Nov 10, 20207 min read
My Census Story- Why I Hate Most of the World, Part 2
One of the reasons I kept working as a census enumerator, outside of the hopes of a new guitar, was the fact that the count for each...

R Scott Okamoto
Nov 6, 202018 min read
My Census Story: Why I Hate Most of the World- Part One
When I think back on the five total weeks I spent as a census worker, I remember an endless string of angry, mean, suspicious and scared...

R Scott Okamoto
Apr 7, 20208 min read
Dumb: The Evangelical Worldview (A mature and sensible argument)
My parents are conservative evangelical Christians. In most ways, they are what you’d think they are. They identify as republican and...

R Scott Okamoto
Jan 10, 20203 min read
Thank you, Neil Peart
Like many angst-ridden kids, I found an identity in rock music. As an Asian kid in a predominantly white suburb of early 80’s Los...

R Scott Okamoto
Dec 11, 20193 min read
Let's Make Christmas Illegal: A Rational View
This was my first "popular" post on Facebook ten years ago. I have updated it for today. Bah Humbug. Conservatives are always...

R. Scott Okamoto
Oct 14, 20195 min read
I Don't Miss Worship Services: Great Music Helped Me Ditch My Faith
Given the daily and sometimes hourly apocalyptic news happening (fall, 2019) these days, it’s almost comforting to think back to simpler...

R. Scott Okamoto
Sep 10, 20195 min read
It’s Everyone’s Problem (but it’s mostly white peoples’ responsibility)
When I was in college, a white friend and I were talking about our families, telling stories and sharing insights into the things that...

R. Scott Okamoto
Sep 3, 20196 min read
Forget Josh Harris for a Minute: We Exvangelicals share in the guilt of our pasts
Prominent evangelical leaders and celebrities seem to be raining down from the heavens, announcing they are no longer Christians. ...

R Scott Okamoto
Aug 2, 20196 min read
A Mad Dad's Manifesto- Episode One
Preface If we’re honest with ourselves, there are countless reasons for a parent to be mad in every sense of the word. Whether due to...

R Scott Okamoto
Jul 23, 20195 min read
I Was Once a Christian Like Mike (And it wasn't fake)
There’s a scene at the end of the movie, A Beautiful Mind, where John Nash, having found a way to deal with the people his mind has...

R Scott Okamoto
Jan 30, 20195 min read
"School Spirit" is the new "MAGA." Or it's just the same old shit.
As the debate rages about what went down at the nation’s capital this past weekend between Nathan Phillips and his Native American...

R Scott Okamoto
Sep 13, 20185 min read
Serena's Anger is a Litmus Test for us All
A lawyer gets labeled a troublemaker because she gives her opinion and asks questions. A professor gets ousted from her department for...

R Scott Okamoto
May 24, 20185 min read
Music These Days- Another Old Guy Rant
Old guy music rant. This one should annoy everyone. Including me. My friends hate it when I make fun of some commercial hip hop and let...

R Scott Okamoto
Jan 29, 20184 min read
Weekend in New Orleans- Confederate Edition
Blog update: After starting off the year writing regularly here, I regained the rhythm and momentum to return to finishing my book about...

R Scott Okamoto
Aug 28, 20176 min read
School Sucks
I wrote this little rant this morning on Facebook: I'm losing faith in education. While I always believe the liberal arts is the only...
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